To make matters worse, Ryan came home at noon yesterday to take care of a few house things (both a roofer and a delinquent moving claims adjustor) and then to come with us in the afternoon to see the kids' last day of swimming lessons. So it doubly felt like a Friday!

After swimming, we celebrated with a stroll through SuperTarget (a treat for me, since we don't have one close to us) and dinner after at Red Robin

while we waited

(and waited)

(and waited)

(and waited)
for our car's alignment/adjustment next door.

We topped the evening off by stopping over at a friends' house where they just had a tree fort built (complete with trap door) in the "forest" in their backyard and the kids ran around there for awhile while us grown ups chit-chatted.
Arriving home, we threw the kids in bed and went out to find our backdoor neighbors enjoying a beer outside and joined them in watching the sunset and cool looking clouds until it got so dark we could hardly see each other.
And then it was morning and I was really really bummed yesterday wasn't Friday like I thought. :(
Friday,for REAL!! Hope your weekend is a great one!!XOXOX
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