Thursday, April 8, 2010

winner, right here

I bet that if someone kept track, I'd be off the charts.
I bet that I could qualify for some kind of record.
I bet that if there was a contest I'd win.
I'd blow everyone out of the water.
Hands down.
It wouldn't even be a competition.

I am the biggest, most obvious, worst, sorriest, whatever adjective you want to put with it, procrastinator.

And it's all just magnified after 6pm.

I seriously cannot get anything done at night. I just sit around and dread whatever it is that I need to do and find other ways to waste my time and all the while keep thinking to myself it's not that much, just do it and get it over with and be done with it!
And then still sit around and dread whatever it is that I need to do and find other ways to waste my time and then think to myself well, since it's really not that much I can just get it done real quick in the morning as I'd so rather be lazy right now and NOT do it!

Like right now.

At least I do get it done in the morning. (i'm so much more a motivated morning person!)
I'm just at that point always kicking myself for not just getting it done the night before.


Anonymous said...

I think you came by that honestly.The procrastination that is. But I am NOT a morning person.It's more like mid day when I get my motivation.Hope your weekend is just delightful!!!XOXOXOXOX Mom

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