Wednesday, May 14, 2008

it's going to be a smooth(ie) summer...

Sawyer loved when I would make him smoothies last year. Savannah hated them and I could never get her to drink them, even if they were all fruit or the sweetest blend I could think of. Even two days ago, her dad got a berry smoothie at Costco and he got it in his head to make her try it. It was a huge ridiculous battle and in the end she took one sip and then acted like she was going to throw up.
So when I made smoothies today to go along with our lunch of eggs and waffles, I was completely prepared for Savannah to ignore the smoothie next to her plate. Now that the weather's warmed up, I've decided to start making them (almost) every day for Sawyer as #1-he's not a breakfast eater and maybe since he likes these so much he'll get a little energy coming in in the mornings if I blend up some goodies. And #2- he really doesn't eat vegetables OR fruit. He loves carrot juice (wouldn't eat a carrot to save his life) and he'll eat cucumbers and maybe a couple of peas, but that's it. Meal after meal, I can't get him to eat veggies in their whole form, whatsoever. And I've never met another toddler who won't eat fruit like this kid. He'll eat bananas three at a time, and on a good day maybe some grapes, but other than that, he won't even try. He doesn't like melon, won't eat peaches or pears, no oranges, berries, nada. So while I'm still offering him fruits and veggies at meals and snacks, smoothies work for now as far as actually making it into his system!!

Todays mix was simply 2 bananas, 3 handfuls of baby spinach, and about 2 cups of frozen blueberries.
Sawyer gulped down two big cupfuls.

And Savannah....
loved it!
She drank down her whole cup even before moving on to her waffle and pears. And asked for more. And told me over and over again that she loved it. She told me she couldn't leave it alone long enough to eat her lunch! LOL

And you know what else she said to me just now, a half an hour after the fact?
"Mom, I just can't get that smoothie out of my head!... Let's have those every day, pleeease?!!"


Amie R. said...

maybe it's the spinach. :P

karicarp said...

Hi Heather! I just thought I would share with you this idea. I make these all the time for my kids in the morning too, especially my 11 yr old who refuses to eat breakfast. I have been using a banana, frozen strawberries, van. yogurt, V8 splash w/veggies in it and a some peanut butter. We call it the PB&J and both of them LOVE IT. I figure that way I am least getting some protein in there!

Anonymous said...

I'll have to start making these more often this summer. Both of my boys love them, and I just forget to do it!

Also, I was going to suggest the V8 Fusion drinks. My kids love them, and they have a serving of fruit and veggies in every cup.

Annie Schilperoort Photography said...

Yay! Another green smoothie convert - good for Savannah! ;)

Christy said...

too funny!! It's for effect- she couldn't let down the fight after the big ta-do at costco-- but there was no fight with this one! Woo whoo! I love smoothies-- you just inspired me!


The Malones said...

A smoothie sounds tastey! Anymore mixes??? I need to get out the blender...

Cass. Just Curious said...

Can you taste the spinach? and do you have any other liquid thrown in there? I'm thinking of trying this but the idea of tasting the spinach is not something I'm into.

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