My baby was officially two-and-a-half years old yesterday. Whaaaah!
Ironically, we spent the morning yesterday with a friend and her two girls... one is not quite 2 yrs and one is not quite three weeks. I was already mourning the fact that all traces of my baby are gone with the wind and that he is officially a "kid" now, all grown up and talking and being so independent... and she has to go and bring her teeny (and she is teeny!) little newborn baby over to rub it in my face!! Hehe, just kidding.
It did really strike a chord with me though as it seems to have really been hitting me hard the past few days, thinking of the fact that Sawyer is now edging closer to three than he is to two, how fast my kids are growing up. I find myself startled with glimpses of them turning into these kids I don't recognize.
The other night I went in to check on Sawyer before going to bed myself and I think I must have sat there by his bed for a full 10 minutes, just soaking in the picture of my big kid in his bed. Tracing his features with my fingers, feeling his breathing, wondering what he was dreaming about. My heart full, the way it wells up in these quiet moments, the times when you almost can't believe how much you can love them. But then I looked again, and the way he was sleeping, the way he was positioned, and I realized that it was almost easier to picture what he'll look like at ten or 12, or as a teenager wanting to sleep in all morning, than it was to see in him the tiny baby he used to be. And I realized that's happening more and more these days.
Two and a half. My baby. It really does go so fast...
here he is, the day he was born...

and just because I'm feeling nostalgic, in celebration of the 30 months I've shared with the sweetest boy on earth, here are 30 photos from then til now...
at 1 month...

2 months...



5 months...

6 months old...






12 months old...

13 months...




17 months...

18 months, thinkin he's big stuff...

19 months...

20 months...


22 months old...

23 months old...

24 months... my two year old!

25 months...




29 months...

and the big 3-0h

and picture #31... enough with the pictures already mom! Sheesh!!
And I realize after posting these pictures, that a huge percentage of these 30 consist of Sawyer's big wide mouth open!! hehe... That's my boy!
I don't like to think about how much of those 30 months we've missed out on. Then I have to smile and be thankful that we did make a big effort to visit you as much as we could.He is just as loveable(and adorable) as he is a little stinker.:)XOXOXOX Gramma & Grampa G
Oh gosh, what a cutie. I'm saddened by the fact that my baby is going to be the big "2" next week. She really is a little lady now and isn't my baby any longer. :(
Its so sad how fast they grow. I wish they had TiVo for kids... you know... you could rewind and replay the good parts when they were little?! THAT would be a great invention LOL!
I'm so excited for Hudson to be here, but then i know time will fly by so freaking fast I almost don't want to be done being pregnant because I'm afraid for him to not be a baby anymore.
Happy 30 Months Sawyer!!
What a great post and loved seeing all the pics of Sawyer!
he is SUCH a cutie! it is amazing how fast they grow - i feel the same way about tucker. i miss my baby! :)
So darn cute! It goes by way too fast, doesn't it?
adorable! isn't it amazing how fast the time goes (when the days sometimes drag on and on??)
i loved seeing all these pictures! i honestly think sawyer is one of the cutest little boys i've ever seen. funny you say that about having his mouth open - that is a joke in my family about my little sister - i SWEAR we do not have one single picture of that girl with her mouth shut. ;) must be a second child thing.
happy 2.5 sawyer!
He is so so cute!!
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