Ryan informed me last night that whenever he looks at it on the fridge he every time thinks it says I love when my mom is HAIRY.
And then he laughs to himself that SJ thinks I'm hairy and she likes me that way. Nice.
I got this new hair conditioner. I saw it at Walmart, picked it up because it looked good, and what looked even better was the "try me free" tag on the bottle. I opened it up and smelled it and I was in heaven. In fact, I smelled all of the scents, and had a hard time deciding on a "flavor"! I thought, what the heck I'll give it a try, and took home a little bit of Vanilla Silk. And oh lordy, am I hooked now. This stuff is amazing. My hair feels so light and so soft and smooth, but not flat or heavy and not at all flyaway or frizzy. It feels perfect. And it smells soooo good. The first night I used it (I usually wash my hair in the evenings rather than the mornings) I asked Ryan how he liked the smell and he said I should be careful that he doesn't eat me in his sleep.
Problem is, I got it for the rebate. The regular price at Walmart is $6. Now that may not seem like much to some of you, but that's steep for me and what I choose to spend on my hair.
And the rebate? Is only one per household. Ugh. Which means this is my only free bottle of this glorious stuff. It depresses me a little. But then I go sniff the bottle in my shower and all is right in the world again...
Anyway, you should try it. It's good stuff. And right now it's free.
Or go out and buy it, get your rebate, and send the stuff to me. You know, whichever. I'm not opposed to surprises in the mail. heehee!
Friday Questions!!
Do you use a certain shampoo/conditioner; a certain salon brand, or certain store brand, or just whatever's on sale? And also, let's inventory your shower right now; tell me what I would find if I looked in your shower right now. Aside from mold and mildew please!
I'm a whatever kinda girl. I usually have my regulars, but they are by no means salon quality or prices. I've probably used Garnier Fructis stuff the most/longest. I used some Abba conditioner at my mom's once and completely fell in love, stocked up on some good prices while I was there, but long ago ran out and haven't found any stores that carry it for as good a price around here. I haven't broken down and purchased online yet, but that might be an option, depending on the price. I haven't even checked. I just have a hard time spending more than a few dollars on shampoo and conditioner!!
In my shower you would find today; a jumbo bottle of an Equate (Walmart brand) version of Head and Shoulders, my Garnier shampoo, my new conditioner, a bottle of Milk and Honey body wash, a bar of Zest, an exfoliating bar from Melaleuca, 2 venus disposable razors, a shower poof (what do you call those things?), and 2 washcloths hanging on the shower door for the kids.
I love little notes that just make you smile. I have saved plenty of them:)Wish you would have asked me to bring you some Abba products. Bi-Mart still carries them. I've seen the Vanilla Silk (and others) at Albertsons. I thought the rebate had expired. I will have to look again.I think having "good hair days" is worth it! XOX
Funny...it DOES look like harry!!
I use the new Herbal essence (I think or it it Salon Selectives??) either the Straight UP! or Color me shampoos. I never spend more than $5 a bottle...
Oh, Lordy...don't get me started on hair or beauty supplies - I LOVE em :)
Okay....shampoo, Treseme is what I usually use, it's cheap but I NEED the extra moisture that it has...my hair is majorly damaged from all the coloring I do to it =(
Conditioner, another must for me, usually whatever is on sale or cheap. My shower consists of: Treseme shampoo, Suave conditioner, Dial bar soap, two exfoliaters...Mary Kay & another fruity one, one razor, one washcloth, I think that's it.
BUT...if I had the nerve to spend the money I probably would buy Catwalk or Bedhead shampoo's & conditioner's. I do splurge and buy their hairspray (Catwalk), straightener (Bedhead), anti-frizz serum (both), and thickener (Bedhead), but I make it last (to expensive)....I really am a junkie...bad!!
that note cracks me up!
i am so going to try that organix stuff! i see they have a special pomegranate version for target, yum!
in my shower: herbal essences shampoo/conditioner, some deep cleaning shampoo, body scrub, face scrub, a couple razors, a foot exfoliator, and a bar of soap. i never use body wash, washcloths, or those shower poof things, ever. is that weird?
i've used the fructis stuff too, usually i always try something different. i would say that aveda rosemary mint is my favorite shampoo ever... ahh, the SMELL. but, i can't justify spending that much money on it... so i get some every once in a blue moon if i have a gift certificate, or i enjoy it at the salon. :)
Love the note.
We have Arbonne products in our shower...shampoo, conditioner, body wash for Mike, Ginger Citrus body wash and Unwind body wash for me, 2 razors, cleansing gel, salt scrub....all Arbonnne stuff! Love it!
OH gosh this post is so right up my alley! My family members who have come to stay tease me because a lot of times there are WAY TOO MANY shampoo and cond. in there. I use Pureology. It's sort of a sideline to Aveda products. I spend way too much money on these things, but I have really thick hair and a bad hair day just makes everything bad. I also have Redken Smooth line, infusium 23. I have some new Dove body wash, a safegard bar soap!
Cute note!
Herbal Essences Coconut & something scented shampoo & conditioner, also V05 Tea Therapy Vanilla Mint Tea shampoo & conditioner. Love the smell of both of them & the V05 is priced just right (.99) & cleans the best!
Suave Coconut body wash & a body sponge, 2 razors & bar of dove soap.
I also love the note.
As far as shampoo goes, I like VO5. I am also cheap when it comes to hair products, but I tried Suave and I didn't like it. VO5 really is a good shampoo. I also like to mix in Head n' Shoulders sometimes too. It is expensive, though, and last time I bought a generic brand at Target, but I don't like it much at all. I feel like I need the real thing. We use puffs, and we use Dove unscented soap. It is way too expensive for my taste, but my kids (and now me too!) battle excema, and that is what the doctor recommends. I has worked well for years. Boring, though. I have always particularly not liked Zest-type deoderant soaps. They make me feel squeaky clean, not smooth clean.
Isn't it funny on how we have opinions on everything.
In my shower: VO5 conditioner and shampoo; generic head and shoulders; two puffs; two razors--one for Grace and one for me, even though mine is hardly ever used (although, I wonder why everyone else has two in their shower.) Dove liquid soap, and a shaving gel for Grace. She seems to think this is a MUST, even though I've been shaving for like 30 years with soap and water.
I'm a little late, but I have to comment on this one:)
Someone mentioned Aveda- I too love Aveda, but I will not spend that kind of $$ on shampoo, so I don't use it unless I receive it as a gift. Right now I'm on the tail-end of a 1 gallon jug of Aveda that I got for a birthday over a year ago. I will be sad when it's gone. When I buy for myself, I go with Herbal Essences, but I don't like them as much since they've redone their brand. Lately I've bought Sunsilk. I like to switch things up with the shampoos/cond's because I think my hair gets used to one kind and gets residue build-up, so I change kinds frequently when my hair starts getting limp.
I don't use body wash either- just a nice 'ol bar of soap. And those poofy things scare me. I think they harbor too much mold:)
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