So just call me Suck E. Mom when it comes to holiday stuff captured on film this Easter. We died our Easter eggs last night. Didn't even think to pick up my camera. Wonderful Easter dinner at the Swinigan's today, complete with a backyard egg hunt and kids decorating their own Happy Birthday Norah cupcakes, and did I remember to bring my camera? Nope.

I did get a few pics this morning when the kids got up to follow the trail of jellybeans the Easter Bunny left from their bedroom doors to their baskets. Super cheesey snap-shotty ones, but at least I got some!

We keep the Easter Baskets pretty minimal around here. I got small ones on purpose! It's sometimes a challenge for me to find little gifts that fit in them, but it's more fun that way. This year we did a game, some playdough, some stamps and stickers and some bunny marshmallows in the eggs along with the standard Peeps and jellybeans.

I went a different way with the baskets this year... we grew up with a chocolate bunny in our basket every year and that's what I've done around here the last few years. But I know some grew up with the sugar eggs as the highlight of the basket rather than the chocolate bunny and I came across these that were absolutely made for my kids, so I just had to buy them;

Sawyer's egg has a froggy in it (his special "lovey" blanket he's attached to is a frog) and Savannah's had a lamb (and we all know how attached SJ is to her Lammie!). So we switched it up this year and the kids thought they were pretty cool. They don't really care for chocolate anyway.

First the kids goofing around being my test shots...

And then all of us... these two are the best I have to choose from with me running back and forth from the camera (I miss having a remote!), Sawyer having to be held (and only by MOMMY) because he was NOT being cooperative in standing with us, Savannah making obnoxious faces or hand motions, and Ryan looking oh so happy to be in front of the camera with us instead of watching the basketball games...

Hope you all had a Blessed Easter!
Oooh I love your pants and your haircut. Did you get it cut or just style it different? It looks sleeker. I want to get my hair cut into a funky bob once I get rid of my head-sized boobs.
I like the last family pic. I need to attempt to do that sometime... we never take family snapshots. Or any type of family pics for that matter. Ryan looks oh so happy in the first one HAHA!
Love the pics...even the goofy ones! Happy Easter! See you in 3 days!
I agree with Kasey,the pictures are all good.Where did you find the cute sugar eggs? We have flowers and plum trees blooming but rain is falling.I think I'd rather have the pretty fluffy snow:)XOXOXOX
CUTE, CUTE, CUTE. could you guys be any more adorable?!? you have such a lovely family!
also, i love savannah's dress, makes me hope i have a little girl someday!!
I have to chime in too. I like the last family picture. Ryan ruined the first one. LOL. We've had basketball on at our house nonstop for days and days. I'm having my own March Madness.
Anyway, looks like a good Easter day for you all. Sawyer looks well and active. Savannah's dress is sweet. And you look GOOD, Heather. Love the outfit and the hair. (I'm wanting to write sheek, but I realize I don't know how to spell it.) Chique? Chiqe'? Goodness sakes. Educate me if you know.
Nice pictures. You guys all looks great! Hope you had a great day!
Great pics and love the jelly bean trail! cute idea! I look forward to seeing you on Friday!! :)
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