Monday, January 9, 2012

just another manic monday

I need a little kick in the butt. We had high hopes of getting lots done this weekend; I thought we were headed into a lazyish weekend with not much on our plate and plenty of time to get stuff done around the house.  Turns out between hockey, basketball, cheerleading, the petstore, grocery shopping, toothpulling, church, urgent care for stitches, a friends' house for lunch and cooler,cloudy, just want to curl up and watch a movie weather,.... we didn't get much else done.
(pics and details of some of the above to come)

Now I have a big To-Do list for the week.
Starting with today's:
  • Laundry.  I'm so off on my laundry schedule it's not even funny.  
  • Deep clean my kitchen.  Which is mostly a finishing up task... I got a lot accomplished Friday; snack/pantry cupboards cleaned out (and vaccumed!), fridge cleaned out and finally all of our random Christmas/New Years Dinner dishes put away.  I still need to clean the stove top, the oven and give everything a good wipedown, including the floor.
  • Pack up Christmas. Yes, we still have that stuff laying around.  Still have the kids' tree up (but bare for a week now) and the nativities and the lights on the windows, wreath on the front door and garage.  I will get all of that upstairs and put away today.
  • Take the dog to an actual park to walk.  I'm tired of the hills around here. 
Hello Monday.  You'd better be productive!!


Mom said...

I hope your Monday WAS productive. Mine sure wasn't.But there is always tomorrow. :0)

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