This morning I sat down to write and it turned into a big ol' post that kind of went along with the gray weather we have here on this Monday. A what's been on my mind with a touch of a 'trying to make my way out of a stressful year/why do I feel like we're no further in our starting over/lonely/winter depression' spin on it kind of post.
It's just been one of those gloomy introspective kind of days around here.
But I think I'll leave that post unpublished and instead talk about something a little more interesting and more enjoyable. :)
Like the weather.
Now, I know much of the country is buckling down for a doozy of a winter weather storm this week (we're just getting it all as lots of rain the next couple of days), but the weather here over the weekend was Fabulous. That's a capitol-F-fabulous.
Like 67° and not a cloud in the sky Fabulous. Both days.
Saturday the kids were playing outside in the yard before 9am. Ryan had to go in to work for a bit so we all left mid morning and the kids and I hung out at a park just a few blocks from his office. I think all of Nashville was there. It was a perfect park day.
We played for a couple of hours and had lunch and then went back up to Ryan's lab to meet him, kill a little bit more time while he finished up and then all head back home.
(the kids LOVE going up to the lab, watching the cool "robots" and playing on dad's computer)
Back home the kids played outside more, rode bikes, played baseball and such. Then we headed down to Franklin and hung out at Sodium for the evening again, taking along a friend of Savannah's. (forgot the camera for that one!) The kids had a blast and we got home just in time for a late bedtime.
It was a great Saturday!
Hey!!I thought I commented earlier today!?? So here I go again... Hooray for sunshine,and parks and Saturdays spent with those you love doing what you love! You do have a lot to be smiling about,and January is over so bring on the hearts!!Love you and miss you !XOXOXOXOXOX
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