First Day of Second Grade!
We slid in and got registered at the absolute very last minute and had to run out and buy school clothes (per public school dress code here) and school supplies, and today's only a half day, and they don't even have class tomorrow, but still.
First Day of Second Grade!
She's quite excited.
I think she's relieved to be there for the beginning. It's hard to be the new kid but at least she gets to start the new year with a new room and a new teacher and new routines right along with the rest of the kids. I'm so glad the Lord did that for her.
She didn't seem nervous at all this morning.
Just happy!

We didn't bring her backpack with us and although Sawyer has his here and said she could use it, she didn't like the idea of a black, totally boy, covered-with-sports-images backpack on her shoulder, so she opted to bring her stuff with a Target sack.

And little brother had to get in on the action (he's bummed he doesn't start for three more weeks):

p.s. Savannah wanted you all to know we'll have a Second Day of Second Grade pic next week with the clothes she really wanted to wear on the first day. :)
She looks so grown-up. Although we are sad you will not be here - I am glad things are working out for you!! God is good!
Happy 1st day Savannah!!! :)
I think she looks completely adorable in that outfit- love it!! Is that the school uniform? I think it looks very classy and put together for a 2nd grader:) Best of luck on Day #1!
She looks SOOOOO happy!!!(and VERY cute)And I think my grin is JUST as big!! Cant wait to see you all!!THREE MORE DAYS!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOOX
She is a doll! I too think it is sooo cool that God worked it out for little Savannah to join her classmates on the first day of school. Your journey of waiting on God's timing has really reminded me of how GREAT HE IS! Happy 1st Day of School Savannah!
amazing and awesome that she got to start on the first day! she looks so cute.
and i love sawyer's tee!
She looks SO much like you in that first pic!
Amie R.
She is adorable! And I love the shoes! What part of Nashville are you guys looking at? My sister lives near Bellevue, i think it is.
Savannah looks so grown up and so happy! We are so glad God worked it all out in His timing. We thought it would work out at the last minute. Hope she had a great first day of school! Give them both a big hug and kiss for us!
Love, Mom/Grandma Debbie
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