So yeah.
We went to the beach.
Sorry for the AWOL from the blogging... we didn't technically have internet at the beach all week and as for the week and a half before that, well.. we had the precocious health of Ryan's grandpa, his subsequent passing, my parents arriving and then Ryan having to be gone and so in between four trips to the airport in as many days and getting ready for vacation and just life in general, that week turned into the perfect storm that the combination of being busy/lazy/preoccupied creates for the blogging brain. Thus, no actual writing.
But we made it to the beach.
We survived a 12 hr trip with the six of us in the car (and no dvd player!)

and thoroughly enjoyed our week long stay, all of us in a cozy little cottage on the North Carolina coast.

Spending the majority of our days in the sand; me, my parents and my little brown babies.

I do so ♥ the beach.
And now we're home. And my parents took off this morning.
And I have things to unpack and laundry to do and sand to shake out and groceries to get and pictures to sort through.
Oh, and houseguests coming on Wednesday. :)
I just wanted to say hello and that I'll be back with vacation highlights soon.
And pictures of our week.
At the beach.

I already miss it...
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