I keep chuckling at the previous post by the newest five year old in this house. She was quite proud of herself, getting the spacebar, backspace and enter buttons down like a pro. (not really... it was all p.a.i.n.f.u.l.l.y. .s.l.o.w.) and was thrilled to learn the exclamation point. She would have put an exclamation point at the end of every word if I had taught it to her from the start.
Anyway, she thought that was pretty cool. I have a feeling there's going to be a guest post from SJ more often these days.
We had a busy day around here. We were gone from 9 to noon for my women's Bible study, and then from 12:30 'till almost 4 this afternoon at a field trip with Savannah's preschool class. We went to a farm. Lots of baby animals, a hayride, tractors, wagons, and lots of good farm stuff. Sawyer was spent! Not only was it a long day... but that meant no nap for him, so it was an extra special evening around here! (no, there's no sarcasm there at all... HAHA!)

Savannah and I made May Day baskets for all our neighbors today. We have a million blooms on our huge lilac bush (and I doubt I'm exaggerating that number) and I hate just seeing them go to waste. So we sat down with some good old fashioned construction paper and made some good old fashioned May Day baskets to leave on everyone's front doorknobs. Savannah loved it!! She walked them around herself on hung them on everyone's door, so excited for them to find the surprise. I love how these simple holidays that we normally don't give a second thought to are so much more fun with kids! I almost forgot about May Day. I mean, I know it's not really a celebrated holiday here in the states, but I do remember it from school; the paper plate baskets and doing the maypole dance in gym. :)
Anyway, the kids are finally in bed and we're settling down for a night of tv now... The Office is cracking me up... so glad new ones are back on! The funniest part so far? When Pam took off her glasses (after Kevin told her he found them attractive) and tried to go about her job blind. When she had to write on her message pad with her nose absolutely on the paper?... That is totally me without my contacts/glasses on!! Love it!
And then a little LOST... ahh, it's a good night!
when i was little, we ALWAYS used to do may baskets!! we'd put candy in them or other little surprises too. and then we'd put them on our neighbor's doors, ring the doorbell and run away! haha, looking back, i'm sure our neighbors just LOVED that. ;)
Happy May Day Morrisons!XOXOX
When I was getting ready for work, I thought about Savannah and that she probably would be doing the "flower thing" for the neighbors. I remember doing that with our kids! We actually were surprised with a bouquet of flowers from a home garden by a co-worker's girls on May day! How sweet! It is a fun holiday especially for girls...I know our girls had fun putting the flowers on the doors, ringing the door bells and running away! I bet Savannah did as well! Your flowers and holders looked awesome! Fun, fun, fun!
Love, Grandma Debbie
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